Citizens Commission on Human Rights

Australian National Office

Children Under 5 Years Old to be Screened for Mental Illness & Put at Risk of Being Drugged

Australia already has 125,328 children aged 0-11 on a potentially dangerous psychiatric drug, 2,546 of those aged 0-4 years old. Now there are psychiatric recommendations to screen our 1.8 million children…

Psychiatry: Friend or Foe? The Untold Story of Australian Psychiatry

Australia is experiencing a tidal wave of psychiatric drugging. In a population of 25.4 million, there were 42.7 million prescriptions written for psychiatric drugs in 2020/2021. Over $10 billion is spent annually on mental health. Of great concern is the growing numbers of children and teenagers on antidepressants when no antidepressant is approved for use in children under the age of 18 for depression (175,000 children aged 0-19 in 2019). Considering the huge increases in psychiatric drug consumption over the last twenty years – drugs we are told are nothing short of miraculous – why aren’t we doing better? This compelling documentary details the real story of what lies behind the ever-increasing psychiatric funding and drugging of our children and society. Watch Psychiatry: Friend or Foe? The Untold Story of Australian Psychiatry. It is vital information everyone needs to know.

Current Articles

SA Psychiatrists Want to Keep Being Able to Electroshock Children and Now Want to Make Restraint Use Easier to Give Involuntary Electroshock

The SA Mental Health Act is under review Electroshock is legal for use on all ages including children, pregnant women and the elderly in SA and there are no proposals to…

Restraint & Seclusion of Children and Electroshock of Children Over 14 Years are Legal in Western Australia

The WA Mental Health Act is under review. Now is the time to change this. The WA Mental Health Act allows psychiatry to commit the above torturous practices on vulnerable children…

Aussie psychiatrists McGorry and Hickie—More Brave New World—Tripping Out Autistic Young Adults with Psychedelics

MDMA and psilocybin psychiatric research is a bad “trip” for mental health in Australia, U.S. and globally. 17 OCTOBER 2022 The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) Foundation has…

Psychiatric Labelling and Drugging of Australian Children: The Facts

There has been a dramatic increase in the psychiatric labelling and prescription of antidepressants, antipsychotics and ADHD drugs to Australian children. In 2022/23 there were 361,587 children on a psychiatric…

Withdrawal Effects of Psychiatric Drugs

Many people who have taken psychiatric drugs have found that the withdrawal effects of these drugs can persist for months, even years after they stop taking them. Patients are frequently…

Therapists Sexual Contact With Patients Causes Harm in Australia

Any sexual contact with patients by treating psychiatrists, psychologists and therapists causes harm and should involve criminal sanctions. In countries, such as the United States, Germany, Israel and Sweden, there are…

Restraint is Criminal

The terror experienced by those forcibly restrained in a psychiatric ward can have a deep and lasting impact on an already fragile and vulnerable person. From the patient’s perspective, if…

Electroshock is Legal for All Ages in NSW

Electroshock is Torture but is Legal for All Ages Electroshock must be banned in NSW Most people think that electroshock treatment—the application of hundreds of volts of electricity sent through the brain—is…

Brain Damaging Effects of Electroshock: The Facts

Most people think that electroshock treatment (ECT) - the application of hundreds of volts of electricity sent searing through the brain to induce a grand mal seizure - is banned…

Restraint and Electroshock Legal for Children in NSW Mental Health Act

Parental Consent Not Needed. In June 2021, The World Health Organization (WHO) released guidelines that lashed out against coercive psychiatric practices such as restraint, seclusion, forced electroshock and forced detainment and…

Restraint, Seclusion and Forced Electroshock of Children are Legal in Queensland

Queensland had the highest number of Medicare funded electroshocks in Australia in 2020/21. Electroshock and other psychiatric human rights abuses must be banned. .gk-article-body h1 { text-align: center; } The Qld Mental…

Caution: No one should stop taking any psychiatric drug without the advice and assistance of a competent medical doctor. The information on this website is not medical advice and should not be considered as medical advice. Competent medical advice should always be sought.